Sunday 23 October 2011

recent/in the prcoess

First is a pen sketch, the second pencil

experimental darkroom processes

For the first two images, in the red room, i placed photographic paper under water, let repelled drops of oil settle on the surface and then solarised the paper using a torch for a second and then developed. Solarising black and white prints creates the slightly off purple tint. The last image's colours are reversed in comparison, as this would be classed as a photo-gram, here i placed the paper in a tray of water under an enlarger this time and exposed it for the split few seconds i dotted in drops of black Indian ink.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Typology work

a 3x3 atypical typology of tattoos i shot

2x2 typical typology of scanned stones

Wednesday 19 October 2011

pen illustrations

pen drawings out of my sketchbook

Thursday 13 October 2011

experimental portrait prints

all portrait prints i shot through a large format camera, reversed the negative and then developed. The first image had a smaller paper cut out silhouette of the same image placed over the photographic paper and i then used paper negatives in the enlarger to create the close up grainy main image. The next print i simply cut a photocopied version of my reversed image diagonally and again lay over the photographic paper under the enlarger. The last, placing my rings over the paper and folding my direct print to distort the prospective of angle and using the contrast filter.

This image is a digital collage using two of my experimental film prints and an image i also shot in slide film.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

own edited drawings

This a drawing of my own which i have then scanned & edited on Photoshop,using the clone tool to create a trailing effect.

my scanned in drawing, then layered with 2 different experimental darkroom prints I've developed of ink in water.

digital collage of my drawings shot on a large format camera and self developed, layered with newspaper cut outs

Friday 7 October 2011

Slide Film

These are some photos i took 

using slide film, with the usual 

35mm negative film the image and 

colour is reversed to make prints.

 Where as slide film is positive, so

 the frames image and colour are  the

same as which the photographer

 shot. These shots went through

 cross processing, meaning

 although being slide film were 

developed like normal c41 colour

 film, this method creates 

exaggerated colours and 

enhanced grain, which i really like

 the unpredictable outcome of.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

expired film

Some images i shot using an

 expired film in an old canon 

auto focus, from a camping trip 

to Wales over the Easter 


Urban ART

finished graffiti art from MCR Graff Jam, 17/07/11
old urban decay work

Sky, 27/09/11